Traveling Mercies Quotes Verse
May the Lord bless you with traveling mercies today both you and your family. 10 Prayer points for safe journey mercies. Prayers For Protection On The Nation S Roads And For Traveling Mercies Prayer For Travel Prayers Prayer For Family Be with me from the time I step out the front door and until I return. Traveling Mercies Quotes Verse . Things shall be divinely positioned for your benefit as you go today. Youll travel safely youll neither tire nor tripBecause God will be right there with you. My God is my rock. Resist the devil and he will flee from you James 47 You are from God little children and have overcome them. I pray for an alert mind while traveling. Proverbs 323-33 Youll travel safely youll neither tire nor trip. Youll take afternoon naps without a worry youll enjoy a good nights sleep. The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and for evermore. Father I declare in the name of Jesus that all my journey this year shall be safe in Jesus name...